My Favorite Devotionals From The Bible App
Lately, I have been leaning in to my devotionals on a daily basis. I'll be the first one to say that I'm not always consistent but I've really been trying hard to be over the last couple weeks. I can honestly say it's given me more patience to handle the day to day stresses of toddler tantrums, no sleep, and everything else mom life brings. It definitely seems like my patience is being tested on a daily basis lately too.
Toddlers are tough.
These are a few of my favorite devotional books that I absolutely love but having it on my phone at all times makes it even easier. The Bible app is a really easy way to travel or even do a quick devotional while you're out and about and it's called You Version.
Here is a list of my absolute favorite ones!
- Hot Mess- Thriving As A Mom: I honestly have to say I think this one is my absolute favorite. It's so good and definitely a great reminder that we are not perfect. Your job as a mom is incredibly important and you need to remember that first and foremost.
- Grit & Grace: We all need to share a little grace to ourselves and to others.
- Love and Marriage: Sometimes we need a good reminder that we were husband and wife before we had kids and we need to continue to nourish that relationship!
- Doing Things That Matter: We all are doing things that matter in this world.
- The Blessing of Ordinary: I constantly try to remind myself of my blessings even though it just seems like ordinary day to day things.
- Fear: I have shared a lot of my fears about my children in other posts but I try to always look to God to control those fears and know that those thoughts are not from Him.
This list is something I've been doing over the last few years and wanted to share with you. These are mostly relative to my life and they things I needed reminded of during the week. They have 100s to choose from and they range from 3-day to 12-day devotionals. It's a great way to choose one that focuses on "Peace" when you are feeling anxious or uncertain about the world around us. So if one of these devotionals doesn't speak to you then please use the search button for ones that do. You can pretty much type anything in there and I'm sure you'll find a devotional for it.
Comment below some of your favorite devotionals also! I would love to check out some new ones.
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